Lebanon Humanitarian Appeal

Lebanon is facing humanitarian catastrophe as continued attacks take a devastating toll.

Civilians are bearing the brunt of the large-scale military escalation- with rising deaths and widespread displacmenent.
You can help families caught in this tragic situation.

2 supporters so far!
$2,510.00 of $25,000.00
1 month to go
  • Tini donated $2,500.00
    1 week ago
  • Tini donated $10.00
    1 week ago


The humanitaria ncommunity is working tirelessly to deliver life-saving assistance, including shelter, food and essential supplies, but the scale of the crisis demands far more resources.

Your donation will go to the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) – one of the quickest and most effecitve ways to support urgent relief on the ground. The LHF has just release $10 million to bolster the response, alongside $10 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to address immediate needs.

Both the LHF and CERF are managed by the United Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), to ensure fast and efficient aid reaches those who need it most.

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